Monday, June 4, 2007

technorati kamikaze

I've been signed up with technorati for about a year now, but I haven't visited it in a while. I checked back as part of this program and found that the tracking tags I set up all that time ago have netted very little indeed: beekeeping, cheesemaking, solar, and citizenre (a company that promises to lease solar electric systems installed on your roof). What I did get was not of high quality for the most part. In fact, that's the problem I have with this type of site, Rollyo, technorati, some of the others. You don't get a lot of quality as compared to sitting down at the computer and doing a focused search. I know these things are supposed to help you, but at least for my needs, the promise is just that at this point.

Anyway, check out, a site that let's you create an avatar using your own headshot photo, which it then animates in funny ways. Beware, though: it's not flattering!

This morning I looked at the Snap search engine. I'm not sure if it's more useful than Google, but it feels fresher, crisper, more visual. Maybe I'll try it for a day and see if I like it.

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